Prismatic Hunter Build Guide: Destiny 2

In today’s guide, we’re diving into a fresh Prismatic Hunter build that forgoes the traditional combination blow setup in favor of a more engaging ranged combat style. This build is designed to maximize the synergy between grenades and melee abilities, providing a refreshing alternative to the standard punch Hunter playstyle. Buy Destiny 2 boosting service to help you quickly upgrade and enhance, use “harry” coupons to get 5% off!

Build Overview
The primary goal of this build is to leverage ranged abilities, specifically focusing on the synergy between melee kills and grenade energy. Every melee kill helps recharge your grenade, and every grenade used supports melee abilities. This loop creates a dynamic gameplay experience, centered around the use of Threaded Spike and Gunpowder Gamble.

Key Components

Exotic Class Items

  1. Spirit of Caliban: Essential for this build, it enhances the effects of ignitions, which are crucial for quickly recharging Gunpowder Gamble.
  2. Additional Exotic Options: You can pair Spirit of Caliban with Spirit of Synthoceps for increased melee damage, Spirit of the CNE for Woven Mail uptime, or Spirit of Verity for doubling the damage of Gunpowder Gamble.


  • Super: Golden Gun – Provides restoration with Facet of Purpose upon orb collection.
  • Melee: Threaded Spike – A powerful ranged melee ability, especially effective when paired with Spirit of Synthoceps.
  • Grenade: Swarm Grenade – Chosen for its buff in the final shape update, though other grenades like Arc Bol can also be effective.
  • Dodge: Marksman Dodge – Chosen for its low cooldown to frequently proc Ascension.


  • Gunpowder Gamble: Vital for dealing damage and stunning Unstoppable Champions. Ignitions contribute significantly to the Gunpowder Gamble meter.
  • Ascension: Provides a way to become Amplified and gain a 30% damage resistance boost through the Galvanic Armor artifact mod.


  • Facet of Blessing: Initiates health regeneration with melee kills.
  • Facet of Protection: Provides damage resistance when near enemies.
  • Facet of Purpose: Grants restoration upon orb collection.
  • Facet of Ruin: Increases the size of ignitions.
  • Facet of Hope: Improves dodge cooldown, especially under elemental buffs.
  • Facet of Dawn: Grants Radiant status with Threaded Spike hits.

Weapon Recommendations

  • Monte Carlo: Effective for replenishing melee energy.
  • Solar Rocket Sidearm (Aberrant Action): Equipped with Heal Clip and Incandescent for healing and proccing kills.

Armor Mods

  • Head: Siphon Mods (Kinetic and Solar), Ashes to Assets.
  • Arms: Heavy Handed, Momentum Transfer, Fastball.
  • Chest: General Reserve Mods.
  • Legs: Absolution, Recuperation, Invigoration.
  • Class Item: Special Finisher, Time Dilation, Font of Restoration.

Artifact Mods

  • Elemental Siphon: Spawns Fire Sprites with multi-kills.
  • Radiant Orbs: Grants Radiant upon orb collection.
  • Galvanic Armor: Provides 30% damage resistance when Amplified.
  • Solar Fulmination: Increases damage and radius of ignitions.
  • Shield Crush: Improves grenade damage and recharge when Amplified or Radiant.
  • Transference: Boosts grenade and melee damage while Transcendent.

How to Play the Build

  • Ability Spam: Utilize Threaded Spike and Gunpowder Gamble as your primary abilities. Alternate between them, using Ascension for additional damage resistance and jolt effects.
  • Orb Collection: Collect orbs to maintain restoration and radiant effects, crucial for surviving tougher encounters.
  • Adapt to Situation: Use Golden Gun for higher health targets and Monte Carlo for melee energy replenishment.

This Prismatic Hunter build offers a unique and engaging playstyle, focusing on ranged abilities and synergy between melee and grenades. It’s a refreshing change from the traditional punch Hunter build and is highly effective in various content, including GMs and Lost Sectors.